Beach Mac OS

Beach Mac OS

June 01 2021

Beach Mac OS

Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats. @MrRabbit Ashley is right, I mean the spinning beach ball. I should've been more specific. To answer your other questions I did a fresh erase and install using the lion recovery disk (which was prompted from the disk utility, which could also point to the HD as per Ashley's thoughts below), then I restored files from an external HD. Think of your Mac like your own brain. The more you're worrying about, thinking about, and working on solving - the slower you'll be to respond (and the more annoyed you'll be) when someone asks you to do something else RIGHT NOW.;) Here are five options to make the beach ball go away. An 8x10, I get the beach ball for 90 seconds. I'm running OS 10.3.9, 2gb ram, two hardrives scratch disk on 2nd HD from OS and Apps. In PS 75% ram allociated to PS Any thoughts as to why or how to shorten this beach ball time. I have gotten so many questions on how to do this so here you go.

  1. Beach Mac Os 11
  2. Beach Mc Skin
  3. Beach Mac Store

Think of your Mac like your own brain. The more you’re worrying about, thinking about, and working on solving – the slower you’ll be to respond (and the more annoyed you’ll be) when someone asks you to do something else RIGHT NOW. 😉

Below are five options to make the beach ball go away. (Update Nov 21st 2018: New Macinhome YouTube video “why is my Mac so slow?! The top 12 reasons and fixes!” is live!)


1. Quit some apps.

Beach Mac Os 11

Hold command and press tab a few times to see which apps are open, and switch between them. When you land on one you want to quit, keep holding command and press q. If you have an unfinished document, don’t worry. It’ll warn you and ask you to save before quitting it.

Imagine if we could do that with our worries and stresses. Just hit command-q! Ahhhhh. Relief!

2. Look in Activity Monitor.

Press command-spacebar to open Spotlight and type “Activity”. Press return to launch Activity Monitor. Look for anything that is using more than 10% of the CPU; that MAY be your culprit. If you know what it is and you don’t need it anymore, quit it. If you don’t know what it is, call us for help or put on your daredevil mask, hit Google, and get adventurous.

3. Restart.

This sounds cliché and very obvious but many people run their Mac for days without restarting. I recommend restarting every 2-3 days for most people or daily if you are doing a lot of multi-tasking with big apps. It’s like a cat nap for your Mac. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes if you use your Mac a lot, and some things don’t stop until you restart.

4. Close browser tabs.

If you have Safari and Chrome open with a lot of tabs, that can slow things down a lot. Close any tabs you aren’t using anymore with command-w. Keep your Mac and your apps running lean.

Beach Mc Skin

5. Install RAM or an SSD.

If all else fails you can find out what it will take to upgrade your Mac hardware with more memory (RAM) or a much faster SSD hard drive (solid state drive, also known as flash storage). Here’s a video example of the speed comparison, with creepy music. Two identical Macs; one with the regular hard drive and one with the SSD installed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8aFwh3dT_E

Beach Mac Store

If you want help just reach out.

Beach Mac OS

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